Monday, February 24, 2014

The Official Scoreboard said 7-0

Yes, the opposition was good. Some might say very good!  But did they really score seven? Erm...  yes, and probably more than that!  But let's not be downhearted!  On the plus side we clearly enjoyed playing today. Yes, Ander, I did see you curled up on the ground in a giggling heap at the end!

But where can we improve?  In a word DEFENSE! We let (at least) seven goals in, so it seems quite clear that we need to improve at the back. We were outnumbered too many times and we didn't defend high enough up the pitch. 

What do I mean by that? 

Well, firstly, the opposition often had three players attacking against our two defenders.  When the opposition have the ball our midfield players must run back and help out our defenders and our attackers must run back to help the midfield.

Secondly, we all need to make sure that when we do have to tackle or challenge a player we do not "jump in" too early. We should try to make the attacker slow down and try to move him towards the walls. Don't allow him to move to the middle of the field where he can pass or shoot.

Finally, the defenders should move up the field more. If we do this we do not give the opposition players so much time on the ball and we force them to make mistakes early. But if they do get past us we must run back try again.

But the most important thing about today is that we had fun and we enjoyed ourselves. We tried hard right up until the final buzzer and we thanked our opposition who were very good sports!

Well done everyone!

Man of the match: Everyone! For enjoying yourselves despite the score!

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